Vichy Carrots (Carottes Vichy)

Vichy stands for “Eau de Vichy”, Vichy water. Indeed, the recipe is about cooking carrot within water. I reassure you, you don’t need “Eau de Vichy” to cook it, regular water will do the trick. It is simple, but still delicious.

Ingredients for 4 persons:

– 2 lbs, 1 Kg carrots
– 4 tblsps, 1.8 oz, 50 g butter
– Approx. 2 cups, 500 ml (1/2 l) water
– 1 teaspoon sugar
– Salt
– Parsley


– Peel carrots and cut them in small slices.

– Put the carrots in a large saute pan.
– Add water until it covers the carrots.
– Add the sugar, salt and butter.

– Keep uncover to make sure water can evaporate, and cook for approx. 30 minutes at low heat until all the water boils off.

– Turn off the heat. Chop the parsley and toss into the carrots.

Serve the carrots, with grilled meat for example.

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