Boeuf Bourguignon (beef burgundy)

Ingredients for 4 persons:

– 2 lbs (1Kg) Beef Chuck, cut into 8 pieces
– 2 carrots
– 1 onion
– 1 garlic clove
– 3 tblsps (50g) butter
– 1 tblsp flour
– 1 bottle of red wine (75 cl)
– 1 cup of water
– 2 lbs patatoes
– Thyme, bay leaf, salt, pepper


– In a large saute pan, put the beef, cut into 8 pieces with the butter.
– Stir and roast beef at high heat.

– Slice the onion and carrots in small slices. Stir carrots and onion in the pan.

– Add flour and caramelize the beef with the flour.

– Add red wine, salt, pepper, thyme and bay leaf.
– Crunch garlic, and add it to the mix. Add water (1 cup).

Cover for 2 hours at low heat or cook the beef with a pressure cooker for 50 minutes.

While the beef cooks, you may cook the potatoes in boiling water. Boil the potatoes for around 20-25 minutes. Once done, take off the skin.

After 50 minutes in the pressure cooker (or 2 hour in the pan), it should look like this:

Put the beef in a dish.  Serve the Beef Bourguignon with potato. You may chop some parsley on top of the beef.

Instead of potato, I also recommend to accompany Beef Burgundy with Tagliatelle and a pat of butter.

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