Paprika veal with portobello mushrooms

Ingredients for 4 persons:

– 2 lbs, 1 kg veal filet mignon
– 1 onion
– 1 lemon
– 3.5 oz, 100g smoked bacon
– 1.8 oz, 3.5 tblsps, 50 g butter for the meat
– 0.5 oz, 1 tblsp, 15 g butter for the mushrooms
– 1 cup, 1 glass of dry white wine
– 3 tblsps paprika
– Salt, pepper
– 3.5 oz, 100g sour cream
– 2 lbs, 32 oz, 1 kg portobello muschroom


– Cut veal in 5 slices
– Season veal with salt and pepper
– Sprinkle veal with paprika.

NB: I did not find Veal Filet mignon to buy. I replaced it by ribeye veal and took off the bone. It works as well, if you don’t find veal filet mignon in your store.

– Heat butter in a large saute pan over medium heat. Sear veal on all sides until browned. Remove from heat and take off the veal from the pan.

– Cut the bacon into dice.

– Chop the onion.
– Fry the bacon and the onion in the same pan as for the veal, until they get caramelized at medium heat.
– When caramelized, add white wine.

– Put back veal.
– Stir in sour cream.
– Cover and cook for 20 minutes at low heat.

While the veal is cooking, prepare mushrooms separately.

– Slice mushrooms.
– In a large saute pan, put 1 tblsp of butter at medium heat.
– Add the mushrooms and stir frequently until all the water from the mushrooms comes off.
– Add chopped parsley to the mushrooms.

– Add the juice from the lemon to the mushrooms. Add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Finally, when the meat is ready, serve the veal with mushrooms.

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