
Preparation time: 1 hour 1/2

What you need for 4 persons:
– 1 onion
– 2-3 garlic cloves
– 4 zucchinis
– 1 green pepper
– 1 eggplant
– 3-4 tomatoes
– 1 bay leaf, thyme
– Salt, pepper, olive oil

– In a large sauté pan, caramelize the onion with olive oil (3 tablespoons), on fairly high heat.

– While the onion is caramelizing, you need to peel the zucchinis in a certain way: remove one strip out of two of zucchini’s skin, then cut the zucchinis in small slices.

The zucchinis should be prepared and cut like this:

Add the zucchinis in the pan.
– Peel and cut the garlic cloves into 2 parts. Add them in the pan. Add some pepper and stir everything until the onion and the zucchinis are well caramelized.
At this stage, it should look like this:

– Cut the green pepper in small strips and add them in the pan. Now it is time to lower the heat.

– Add the tomatoes, thyme and bay leaf.

– Peel the eggplant the same way as the zucchinis (1 out of 2). Then, add the eggplant cut in cubes.

– Add salt and pepper.

Cover and cook over low heat about 1 hour.

Serve the ratatouille. This is what you should get:

You may serve the ratatouille with rice and tuna:

Ratatouille can also be served with pasta, polenta or couscous.

Ratatouille is also delicious with lamb chop.

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