Endive salad

In this recipe, we are going to mix endive’s bitterness with apple’s sweetness.

Ingredients for 4 persons:
– 2 Belgian endives
– 1 apple

For the dressing:
– 3 tablespoons Canola oil,
– 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
– 1 pinch of salt and pepper
– 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard

Maille Dijon Mustard


– Wash and chop the endives.
– Peel and chop the apple.

You are now about to prepare the dressing.

– In a large bowl, put the mustard and add little by little the oil. Whisk them until well incorporated.
– Add the vinegar, salt and pepper.

Note: Preparing the dressing with the mustard could be a bit tricky. Make sure to add the oil little by little, and whisk to incorporate everything.  Then continue to add oil. It is tricky because it is like mixing oil and water. You are doing an emulsion (the mayonnaise principle!).

This is what you should get:

Add the apple and the endives.

Finally, toss the endive with the dressing.

As usual, enjoy with a French baguette!

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