Fennel Salad

This recipe is very simple to make. It is fresh and very welcome during summer. It is also very original, and will surprise your guests.

Ingredients for 4 persons:
– 1 fennel
– 3 tablespoons of olive oil
– 1 tablespoon of vinegar
– 1 pinch of salt and pepper
– Optional: 1 orange


Cut the green stem of the fennel.

– Wash the fennel and cut it in dice
– Prepare the dressing: in a large bowl, add the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Whisk until smooth.
– Add the fennel and toss it with the dressing.

– You can also add an orange into the salad. To do so, the orange should be peeled, cut in dice and mixed with the fennel. It is even better!

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